
Season 6
Season 6 begins with many drama's. Firstly, Lucy is thrust in
the middle of the problems at Ewing Oil. Miss Ellie calls a family conference to vote on whether should J.R should stay on
at Ewing Oil. Lucy, of course votes her ten voting shares, given to her by Gary, to get J.R out! Bobby is not ready to take
over so, J.R remains the president...for now.
Lucy also breaks down in front of Pam. Pam finds Lucy in Christopher's
nursery, and Lucy begins to cry. Lucy tells Pam about Roger raping her, and the possibility she might be pregnant.

Lucy decides on an abortion, and tells no one but Pam. Pam takes Lucy to the
hospital for the procedure. Lucy and Pam have a heart to heart before the operation. Lucy is worried Pam hates her for ending
her pregnancy. Pam assures her that she could never hate her. Lucy returns from the hospital, and spends most of her time
in her room. Pam tries to get Lucy back to work, but Lucy does not have many good memories from her modeling days.
stresses add to Lucy's life. Jock is finally decared legally dead. This brings Gary back to town for the reading of his will.
Lucy is given five million dollars in the will, and though Gary is given ten million, there are conditions put on his money
due to his history with alcohol. Lucy is upset that her father did not spend more time with her, and that he left as soon
as the will was read.
Meanwhile, Ray and Donna return from a trip to Kansas. They returned to Southfork with Ray's
cousin Mickey Trotter. Lucy and Mickey clash from the first meeting they have.
Lucy does return to work, and accepts
an assignment out of Dallas. She does this on the day J.R and Sue Ellen are going to re-marry. She explains to Miss Ellie,
that she does not want to watch Sue Ellen destroy her life again. The trip does not go well. The ad excecutive of the shoot
puts the moves on Lucy while away. She freezes, not knowing how to respond when he touches her. She later explains to Pam
how horrible this was given what happened with Roger.

The next few months of Lucy's life prove uneventful. Though she does return to
modeling with a new female photographer, her passion for her work is gone. She spends most of her time at Southfork, reading,
and still coming to terms with her ordeal with Roger Larson.
Lucy and Mickey's relationship also begins to develop.
Though they still continue to mostly share insults, Mickey does help Lucy out of a jam when her car won't start just prior
to a photoshoot. Lucy is worried Mickey will be trouble with Ray, and speaks to Ray to try to help out. She is still nervous
about beginning a new relationship and declines any of Mickey's invitations for a date.
Lucy is also involved in the
fallout from Jock's will. She continue's to want J.R out of Ewing Oil, but stresses to her grandmother that she thinks things
are working out just as her Grandaddy would have wanted. Ellie is worried the battle between Bobby and J.R will tear the family
apart, and unsuccessfully tries to get the will overturned. J.R taunts Lucy, that she could not take over Ewing Oil, and tries
to get her shares from her. Lucy is too smart, and see's right through him. Lucy finally gets her wish when Bobby agree's
to take over at the family's company.

Mickey finally wins Lucy over. During the Ewing BBQ, he askes
her out again, and notices that she has issues with dating men. He is able to convince her that he is differen't and will
treat her well. She comes to his aid this time on a night he gets very drunk in a bar, and finally the two become a pair.
Aunt Lil pays a visit, and Lucy, Mickey, Ray and Donna join her for a dinner. Lil is worried about Mickey's relationship
with Lucy, be he assures her things will be just fine. After Lil and Mickey join Lucy and the Ewing's for a Southfork dinner,
Lucy and Mickey make love for the first time. Mickey is sensitive to what Lucy has been through, and the two turn the relationship
into love.
Lucy and Mickey's relationship continues to grow, just as J.R and Sue Ellen's begins to fall apart.
One night, while Lucy and Mickey are cooking outside of Southfork all hell breaks loose. Earlier in the day, Sue Ellen came
across J.R and Holly Harwood in bed together. Both J.R and Sue Ellen return to the Ranch and have a confrontation. Sue Ellen
runs out of Southfork, very drunk and gets into J.R's car. Lucy and Mickey are outside and witness the whole thing. Lucy,
worried about Sue Ellen, begs Mickey to stop Sue Ellen from driving drunk. Mickey runs to the car and gets into the passenger
seat. As Sue Ellen drives out of the Ranch, the car is rammed, by one of J.R's enemies, Walt Driscoll. Sue Ellen escapes the
accident with minor scrapes and bruies, but Mickey ends up in a coma!
Lucy blames Sue Ellen for Mickey's accident!
The two women barely speak for weeks. Finally they do come to terms with what happened. Lucy loves Mickey and spends all her
waking hours at the hospital, but is not sure that she remain with someone who will spend the rest of thier life in a bed!
Mickey does awake from his coma, and initially is thrilled to see Lucy at the hospital. Lucy, Donna and Ray and Lil
spend a lot of time with Mickey, but eventually her begins to resent them coming, and asks them to stay away. Lucy and Mickey
have a fight, and she tells him that she will be there no matter what! They become in engaged, and Lucy and Mickey begin to
prepare for thier future.
Ray finds out that the intended victim of the hit and run was J.R, and pays J.R a visit
at Southfork. Ray blames J.R for Mickey's accident and the two begin a physical fight. During the fight, a fire breaks out,
and Southfork is in flames

The fire leaves Southfork in need of repair. Lucy was not
home during the fire, but those who were, J.R, Ray, Sue Ellen and JohnRoss are rescued by Bobby. Lucy moves in temorarily
with Donna and Ray, while the rest of the Ewing's move into a Dallas hotel.
Shortly after Mickey and Lucy's engagment,
his condition takes a turn for the worst. He agains slips into a coma, and it looks doubtful he will come out of it. Earlier,
Mickey had talked to Ray about not wanting to spend the rest of his life in a hospital bed. After Lucy and Donna leave the
hospital, Ray and Lil are left alone in Mickey's room. Ray baracades the door, and Lil attempts to pull the plug from Mickey's
life support system. Lil cannot bring herself to do it, so Ray does.
Ray is arrested for Mickey's murder. Lucy is
intially furious with Ray, not knowing how he could do it. A trial for Mickey's murder quickly begins.

Though she does not want to hurt Ray, Lucy is forced to testify
for the prosecution during his trial. Ray is found guilty, but due Lil's testimony, plus a caring judge, his jail sentence
is suspended, and he recieves only probation.
Meanwhile, ever since the fire at Southfork, JohnRoss has not been himself.
Sue Ellen and J.R seek professional help, and end up enrolling John Ross in a day camp with counsellor's trained to work with
children in pain. One of John Ross's counsellor's click's with Sue Ellen, and though he is very young, appears attracted to
her. Sue Ellen asks the boy, Peter Richard's if he will escort Lucy to the Oil Baron's Ball. Lucy is still devestated by Mickey's
death, and Sue Ellen thought it might be a way to get her out, and for Sue Ellen to spend a little time with Peter as well....

The Oil Baron's Ball proves interesting for all of the Ewing's.
Lucy and Peter appear to hit it off at the ball, and she is asked by Punk Anderson to present the Jock Ewing Memorial Scolarship.
Bobby show's up with old flame Jenna Wade, and Cliff wins Oil Baron of the year. Cliff's win, and his comments start a brawl,
to which most people at the Ewing table play a part in. Peter also gets into the action.
Katherine Wentworth is furious Bobby passes her over and
takes Jenna Wade to the Ball. When she arrives home, she calls Bobby at Soutfork. Lucy answers the phone, and tells Katherine
Bobby is out with his date! Lucy then enters the kitchen to find Sue Ellen taking care of a bleeding lip Peter got while fighting
at the Oil Baron's Ball. Lucy asks to help, but Peter and Sue Ellen seem happy to be handling the situation alone. Lucy leaves
the kitchen a little disappointed with the handshake Peter ends the evening with.
The next morning, over breakfast
J.R is ranting about how Cliff bit him. Lucy asks if he is going to bit Cliff back. J.R leaves for work, and Lucy has a few
minutes alone with Sue Ellen. She asks the older Ewing about her relationsip wtih Peter. Sue Ellen becomes defensive. Lucy
had noted that Peter was much more interested in Sue Ellen the night before than Lucy, who was his date. Sue Ellen begins
to become angry at Lucy and tells her stop letting her little mind invent things. Sue Ellen says that there is nothing between
she and Peter Richards. Lucy senses she may have pushed too far and lets it go.

As the next few weeks progress, Lucy comes to terms with Mickey's death. She
also takes a likeing to Peter and tries to spend some time with him. She drives JohnRoss to camp every chance she can, and
uses this as an opportunity to talk with Peter. Peter does go out with Lucy, but will not let the relationship progress past
friendship. Lucy is confused. She has no idea that Peter Richards has begun seeing her aunt Sue Ellen!

Lucy is attracted to Peter. The two hang out a lot, going
to movies and the odd date. Lucy cannot figure out why Peter is not returning her feelings. She is not ready, after Mickey's
death to enter into a serious relationship, but she is confused about Peter's lack of interest. Peter does some strange things,
leaves school, disappears for days on end. Lucy chooses to talk to Sue Ellen about most of this, but, Sue Ellen, worried her
relationship with Peter might surface, is not the best one for giving Lucy advice.

Lucy tries to 'hook' Peter into modeling with her, and although
he does once, he is not interested in any other gigs, despite making lots of money and traveling with Lucy. All Peter seems
to be interested in is hanging around Southfork with John Ross and Sue Ellen. Lucy thinks it is odd Peter would prefer to
hang around a child than her. She thinks Peter might be gay, but Sue Ellen convinces her this is not the case. One night at
a Ewing party, welcoming Jessica Montford into Dallas, Lucy gets very drunk. Encouraged by good ole JR, Lucy ends up confronting
Peter and Sue Ellen about having an affair. JR, playing the games he does, insists she apologze, and this could not be true.
Lucy, reluctantly does, even though she is not convinced. Peter and Sue Ellen continue to see each other, even though Sue
Ellen wants out. After Lucy's drunken incident, JR realizes that indeed Peter and Sue Ellen were having an affair. He sets
Peter up with drugs in his jeep. Sue Ellen and Lucy try to help, but Peter wants nothing more to do with the Ewing's and heads
off to New York city. Lucy confronts JR and now knows she was right all along. Lucy is disgusted with him, and all the family
about how they live thier lives and treat other people!
Lucy tells JR she is sick of the way the Ewing's do things,
and she means it! Bobby is shot, and after a visit with him in the hospital, where she has a confrontation with Katherine
Whetworth, she stands by her word. While out for the day, she goes to the diner her mother used to work for. She encounters
the same man who hired Valene many years ago. He, without knowing she is Ewing, ask's if she wants to be a waitress at the
diner. Lucy initially laughs it off, but after thinking about it, thinks that what was good for her mother, might be good
for her, and begins work as a waitress at the diner her mother used to work at!
Lucy meets several people while waitressing at the the diner.
Betty, another waitress, whom Lucy does not get along with, customers, who do not treat Ms Lucy well, and Eddie Cronin, a
construction worker whom comes to the diner daily. Ray Krebbs also comes by one day, and runs into Lucy! Lucy explains to
Ray why she is working at the 'Hot Biscut' diner, and swears him to keep her job secret!
Lucy continues to hide her work at the diner a secret from her family. The family wonders what is keeping Lucy
away from Southfork one day. Miss Ellie in particular is concerned about her grandaughter. Clayton confronts Lucy
about not being around enough for Miss Ellie, and the two have words on the Southfork Patio.
Eddie and Lucy continue to get closer. Betty, another waitress at the diner is not happy. Although Lucy believes
Betty and Eddie are history, the continue to sleep together behind Lucy's back. Eddie has big plans, and finds out that
Lucy is a Ewing. Lucy, not knowing this, sets up a construction business with Eddie, despite the fact that Ray and Harv
Smithfield think she is making a mistake.
After Lucy's initial anger at finding out that Eddie did in fact know she was a Ewing, she forgives him, and invites
him to the annual Southfork BBQ. The family meets Eddie and learns the reason that Lucy has been away so much.

After confrontations with Eddie and Betty, Lucy decides that her life is a mess. She dumps Eddie, he
goes back to Betty. Lucy, who has been writing Mitch, decides to visit him. Lucy fly's to Atlanta to see Mitch.
In Atlanta, she and Mitch decide that they should be together. Lucy and Mitch return to DALLAS, and tell the family
they are going to re-marry. Mitch and Lucy marry again, and after the ceremony, move to Atlanta

-See Part 3 For Lucy's Life in Atlanta and her return to DALLAS-


