

Lucy Ann Ewing had been living with her grandparents
at Southfork since her father Gary and mother Valene departed years earlier. As the show begins, Lucy is involved in a hot
and heavy affair with Southfork's ranch hand Ray Krebbs. Bobby James Ewing, Lucy's uncle, arrives home one day with his new
bride Pamela Barnes. Pamela is the daughter of Lucy's grandfather Jock's enemy Digger Barnes. Years earlier Jock and Digger
fought over Oil, with Jock winning the battle and becoming the head of Ewing Oil. Digger ended up poor and resulted in him
spending most of his life drinking to take away the pain.
Lucy took an instant dislike to her new 'aunt' Pam. Pam
was smart and saw through her rough exterior and her lies. Pamela quickly found out about her affair with Ray, and tried to
put a stop to it. Despite Lucy's best efforts she ended up caring for Pam. Throughout the mini-series, Pam was there for Lucy,
problems at school, or problems at Southfork, Pamela stood by her new niece. They soon developed a mother/daughter relationship.
Even when things got tough, like when some thugs who were angry at J.R kidnapped the Ewing Women, Pam stood up for Lucy. Though
she did not like it, Lucy finally found someone in her corner, a mother figure, who not only loved and supported her, but
challenged her n her behavior, Lucy both loved and hated Pam for it.

Season 2
Season two of DALLAS, was a difficult and
trying one for Lucy Ann Ewing. She began the season by trying to reunite her parents, Gary and Valene. Past problems came
into play, along with good ole J.R, and Lucy was left alone at Southfork once again.
Lucy's seventeenth birthday also proved stressful. Her family
took over the event and J.R wanted to use the affair for Ewing Oil business. Lucy was so frustrated when Jock would not allow
her to invite her mother, that Lucy ran off with J.R's car. She ended up hooking up with a thief, who involved her in his
crimes. Fortunately for Lucy her uncle Bobby came to her rescue, and she returned safely home to Southfork.
Lucy also
attempted to continue her affair with Ray Krebbs. Ray had moved on and was dating Garnett MacGee. Garnett was a country singer,
a job Lucy longed to have. Her family did not react well to this, and J.R refused to help her. Lucy did find out J.R was helping
Garnett, which led to a confrontation between Ray and J.R, which ended Ray's relationship with Garnett.
the year, Lucy struggled building her relationship with Pam, as well as battles with J.R. Lucy also took up a rilvary with
Sue Ellen's sister Kristin, who Lucy knew was after Bobby. The biggest emotional drama occurred when Lucy became engaged to
Kit Mainwaring. Kit was the son of another Oil Man, and the Ewing's, particularly J.R were thrilled with the union. But since
Lucy's love life never ran smooth, nor did this relationship. Kit was gay, and although Lucy wanted to continue the relationship,
both she and Kit knew it would not work. Lucy left the relationship with her head held up, but in alot of pain.
handled this pain by turning to drugs. Her addition led a incident where while stoned, she came across a pregnant Sue Ellen.
Sue Ellen was drunk and ended up falling down the stairs, and Lucy was helpless to do anything. By season's end, she appeared
to realize drugs were not the answer. Lucy would need her strength, furthur heartache and drama was awaiting her in season

Season 3
Season 3 begins with the Ewing's preoccupied with John Ross's
kidnaping. Lucy loved her new cousin, and when he finally came home she looked out for the newest member of the Ewing family.
Lucy's early battles this season included bouts with Kristin, and Sue Ellen. Lucy hated the way Sue Ellen was mothering
John Ross, and reminded her that Lucy was raised without a mother around. Lucy threatened to show John Ross how to make the
whole world pay. Lucy's words appeared to have an effect on Sue Ellen, and shortly after Sue Ellen began to take a greater
interest in her son.
The Ewing Rodeo provides more excitment for Lucy, she has a run in with Kristin and comes to
the aid of Ray. Lucy finds out the Donna Culver had ended the relationship because her husband Sam was losing his battle with
cancer. Lucy also witnesses a staged confrontation between J.R and Alan Beam, Lucy takes an instant liking to him, and they
begin a relationship.
Lucy begins to quietly see Alan behind the families back. When Kristin spots the two out, she
tells J.R. J.R tries to blackmail Lucy, but the young Ewing tells him she knows about his affair with Kristin. Although J.R
is setting her up, a livingroom confrontation with the family convinces stubborn Lucy to plan a wedding with Alan, despite
the families disapproval. Lucy does not know J.R is all in favor of the relationship, if it gets Lucy out of Dallas.
and Valene also return to Dallas this year, but Lucy is left in the dark. They decide to remarry, but do not want Lucy to
know, in fear she might get hurt again. Ellie, Bobby, even J.R and Jock show up for the wedding, but Lucy is left out of the
mix, A hurt she will not soon forget.
J.R continues to try to get Alan to get Lucy out of Dallas. Jock wants her to
stay. He offers Alan a job in Dallas, to keep Lucy near. J.R is not pleased, and puts the pressure on Alan. Kristin also gets
into the act, telling Lucy about Alan's other girlfriend, Betty Lou. At first Lucy does not believe Kristin, and calls her
J.R's little stooge. A talk with Bobby however convinces Lucy that Alan is not the man for her, and she breaks off the engagement.

Valene did return to Dallas after she and Gary moved to Knots Landing to try
to rebuild her relationship with her daughter. Initially, Lucy wanted nothing to do with her mother. They ended up coming
together, with of course Bobby's help. Lucy even traveled to Knots Landing for a visit, with the hope of moving in with her
parents. It was a difficult trip for Lucy, Valene and Gary. Though stressful, Lucy and her parents ended up running in the
ocean putting the problems of the past behind them. Unfortunately, all knew that Lucy's home was Dallas, and though she returned
to Dallas, she returned with a strengthened relationship with her parents, and over the next several years, they were there
for her when Lucy needed them.
The season ends with Lucy having a hot and heavy affair with Greg Forrester, one of
her university professors. Lucy needed a fling after her hurt over the way Alan used her. Lucy did not know however that Greg
was married. The season ends with Lucy's uncle J.R being shot at Ewing Oil. Lucy, with most of the family are suspected of
plugging a hole in the human oil slick. But the killer could be anyone, most of Dallas had reason to hate J.R Ewing.

Season 4
The biggest question at the beginning of the year, was who
shot J.R. After the shooting, Ray tracked Lucy down in a hotel with Greg, and after learning he was married, ended the relationship.
Shortly after, it was discovered that Kristin had shot J.R, trying to frame Sue Ellen. Lucy was present when Kristin explained
her reasons, though Lucy, no fool, saw right through it, knowing about Kristin's realtionship with J.R.
Lucy was tired,
not only was her family stressed out about J.R's shooting, she also felt used by both Greg and Alan. One night, she and some
friends, decide to go out for a night on the town, ending with Lucy getting extremely drunk. As she staggers out of the bar,
the car parker decides to help the young woman, and pays for a cab ride home for Ms. Ewing.
Lucy finds out her knight
in shining armor is a med student named Mitch Cooper. Lucy decides to pay Mitch a visit, and repay him for his kindness. Mitch
is intrigued by Lucy, but is very busy with his work and studies and does not seem to have time for a relationship. Lucy has
a hard time taking no for an answer and actively pursues Mitch. Problems begin right away, with Lucy trying to slow Mitch
down by helping him financially. He resents her family and their money and work ethic, and the relationship starts a bumpy
ride. The money battles continue, but finally Lucy convinces Mitch that if he married her, he could take her away for the
Ewing's and the money and live in a way he can accept.

Mitch agree's, and the two become engaged. Pam is the only Ewing to congratulate
them, with the rest of the family thinking Lucy is jumping in too fast. Ellie tries to slow things down, feeling Mitch might
be a replacement for the love Lucy lacked from her parents. Headstrong Lucy pushes forward and a wedding date is set.
the wedding approaches, money issues arise again. Jock wants to give Lucy and Mitch the Ewing Condo, but Mitch wants to pay
his own way. Finally Lucy and Mitch compromise, and he agree's to live in the condo, but that is all he will take from the
Lucy and Mitch's wedding day arrives. Gary and Valene arrive from Knot's Landing, and Lucy could not be happier.
The wedding goes off perfectly, with Lucy dancing with her father at the reception. Mitch's mother and sister, Afton Cooper
arrive for the wedding. J.R takes an instant liking to Afton, and the two ending up sleeping together after the wedding. Many
relationships take turns at the wedding, one is Donna and Ray. Lucy invites Donna to the wedding, in the hopes she and Ray
might get back together, and it works
The first couple of weeks of Lucy and Mitch's marriage were happy ones, Lucy
was even cooking. One night she invited Afton and Mitch's mother for supper, Mitch could not make it since he of course, had
to work. Afton and Lucy had a wonderful confrontation in the condo. Afton was singing in a club, thanks to Lucy's Uncle
Money problems, as they always did with Lucy and Mitch, quickly began to get in the way. Lucy secretly hired
a housekeeper to take care of the condo. Mitch was not happy when he found out, he said he could not afford that on his
income. Lucy has the wonderful idea of getting a job. She goes to Southfork and askes Pam to help her. She snubs her nose
at working at The Store with Pam, and instead wants Pam to help her become a model. Even at 5ft, the woman had dreams. Lucy
was aware that Pam knew the publisher of a new Dallas magazine, and Lucy hoped she could model for it. Lucy did not know that
Pam had an affair with Alex, the publisher, and although Pam was not happy, she got Lucy an interview.

Alex was happy to see Lucy, to please Pam, and offered her Young Miss Dallas,
the role that would begin Lucy's modeling carreer. Of course, Mitch was not happy. All of a sudden Lucy was working long hours,
going away on shoots,and making more money than him. Mitch worked some extra shifts to pay for Lucy's housekeeper, but now
that she was making money, it was little money compared to what she was bringing home. Again, Mitch felt like a failure, Lucy
questioned his pride, and the couple fought.

And hey fought, and fought and fought! Lucy was spending long hours on the road
for photo shoots, and Mitch was busy working towards becoming a doctor. With Lucy away, Mitch spent a lot of time with
a class mate named Jeanne. Jeanne and Mitch were studying together, and he opened up to her. One morning, Lucy returned from
a photo shoot to find Jeanne at the condo. Nothing happened, but they had stayed up late talking and Jeanne stayed the night.
Lucy flipped of course, and more fighting continued.
One night, when Lucy arrived home late from a shoot they had
the big one. Insults flew, and Mitch confronted Lucy on not being ok with the money she was bringing in. He told her if she
did not understand his position, they were in trouble. Lucy held him to his words, and said "Just remember, you said it Mr!"
She packed and returned to Southfork

Season 5
Lucy meets Ray when she returns to the ranch. The main topic
at Southfork is the body found in the pool. Kristin was found by Cliff Barnes, dead in the swimming pool, and all eyes
point to J.R. Lucy reluctantly returns to life at the ranch, and J.R is not happy she is back. Ellie is concerned as well,
pushing Lucy to stop thinking of herself as a little girl, and work with Mitch to make the marriage work.
Lucy and
Mitch don't see much of each other when she first arrives home. They do have a few encounters, some not planned, but the
marriage seems doomed to fail. Mitch decides to change his field from medical research to plastic surgery, and Lucy hopes
this keep him in Dallas. One of his patients, Evelyn Michaelson, becomes attracted to Mitch, and calls Lucy one day to
bully Lucy. She tells Lucy that she and Mitch have become intimate, even though they have not. Lucy loses her cool over
this one.
As all this is going on two other issues complicate the life of Lucy Ann Ewing Cooper. Her grandfather,
Jock goes missing on a trip to South Amercia. At the annual Ewing BBQ, which Lucy invites Mitch too, it is revealed that Jock
has died. Lucy is devestated, she loved her grandfather very much. In addition, Donna's book publishing paves the way for
Lucy to meet photographer Roger Larson. Lucy's time of Miss Young Dallas has ended, and Roger offers to be her photographer,
and keep her modeling career alive. With Mitch not responding, Lucy turns to Roger to deal with grief over the end of her
marriage, and the death of her beloved grandfather.

At first, Lucy see's Roger as a person she can trust, someone, unlike Mitch,
who understands her. He makes her a star with his pictures and this pleases her. As time goes by Roger turns from friend to
lover to someone totally obsessed with Lucy. In his bedroom, he has covered the walls with pictures of Lucy. He thinks about
her constantly, and becomes extremely intence and posessive.
Lucy begins to fear Roger, and confinds in Pam. Pam pays Roger a visit, and tells
him to leave her alone. In addition, Lucy visits her agent, Blair Sullivan and asks that Roger no longer be her photographer.
Roger is not happy, and tells Lucy so. Just as all this is happening, Lucy recieves a call from Mitch, he wants to get together
and talk. Lucy is excitied, hoping it might mean the two are getting back together.

Mitch was not looking to get back together, he was looking to end the relationship.
Lucy is devastated, she returns to the bar where she and Mitch first met, and gets drunk, very drunk. She leaves the bar and
heads to her car. When starting the engine, Roger gets into the passenger seat...she should have locked those doors.... Roger
takes Lucy back to his studio and ties her up, kidnapping her, planning on taking her away to California. The family thinks
Lucy is with Mitch, and Lucy is in the hands of a mental case!!!

Roger keeps Lucy bound and gagged. He plans on taking her away to California!
Lucy attempts to escape, but only ends up having Roger beat and Rape her. Eventually after Ellie talks to Mitch, does Pamela
connect that Roger might be responsible for Lucy's dissapearance. Pam and Bobby go to Roger's studio. Roger attempts to convice
them he has no idea where Lucy is, but Lucy hears Pam and Bobby, and knocks over a lamp. When they hear the noise, Bobby shoves
Roger against the wall, and find Lucy on the floor in the black room, tied to a chair unconcious!
Lucy is taken to the hospital where she has to spend a few days. She has many
visitors, including Mitch, and the two share a tender moment, but also come to terms with the end of thier relationship.
she returns home, Lucy spends much of her time alone in her room. She does have a few visitors. Mitch comes by to say goodbye
before he leaves Dallas. Although Lucy knew the relationship was ending, it stills is hard for her. Her best friend Muriel
Gillis also spends a lot of time with Lucy. Lucy shares her ordeal with Muriel and shares that Roger raped her while she was
kidnapped. Later confides to Muriel that she thinks she may be pregnant with Roger's baby.


