DISH BABIES: Actress Eve Plumb ("The Brady Brunch") stars as a woman desperately trying to have
a baby in Karla Jennings' Dish Babies, opening in Los Angeles Aug. 31 at Two Roads Theatre. Later in the fall, the producers,
Do Gooders Productions (2 1/2 Jews), intend to bring the comedy to Off-Broadway. Co-starring with Plumb are Charlene Tilton
(Lucy Ewing on "Dallas") and Patricia Harty (Fiorello!, Sail Away, Oh, Dad, Poor Dad...). The three form the center of Dish
Babies, where Plumb plays Megan, the middle-aged woman struggling to have a child, Tilton in a multituse of comic turns (including
one of Plumb's possible children) and Harty as a neighbor who helps Plumb understand the ups and downs of fertility. Filling
out the cast are Steve Heller, Bruce Nozick and Ty Stoller. Founder and artistic director of Off-Off-Broadway's The Looking
Glass Theatre Justine Lambert directs. The design team is Keith Morrison (sets, lights), Jan Stuewe (costumes) and Kenneth
Nowell (sound).
Charlene Tilton in Dish Babies ( LA STAGE AWARD!)